Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Don't Mean To Seem Ungrateful but....

My 7 year old brought home a note from school - he needed $5 for a mother's day gift. Nought for nothing but should I really have to pay for my own gift? What happened to recycled gifts made from discarded toilet roll tubes and washed out yogurt pots?
Worse yet, how much of his creativity and artistic ability are really in this present? I don't mean to seem ungrateful but I prefer anything that my son thought of by himself. I love paintings that he creates even if I have no idea what they are really meant to be and I love the good old fashioned potrait for Mother's day that looks nothing like a human never mind me. I dont mean to seem ungrateful but...


  1. What a creative article! This is an issue that rings true with me in my everyday life. Thank you Dr. Rubman!!!

  2. Dr. Rubman,

    I just came across your blog: it's delightful! I'm not sure, but you seem like a great parent. This blog is full of love and warmth. I'm struggling with something. As you probably know, black males in this country are at a cross-roads in terms of relationships and especially their children. My question, does your reserach show why black men are abscent from their childrens lives and what can be done to help them foster bertter relationships with them?

  3. Thank you Iam Robert, you are too kind. Let me address your question about black males in America:
    There is nothing about skin color, per se, that affects our parenting. It is time that we moved past stereotypes and cliches to a place where all men have the opportunity to parent better with each new day. We could all be more involved with our children, men and women alike but we have to choose to do it. There are, however, issues of socio-economic-status (or wealth) that affect our interactions with our children. When we work at a demanding job that drains us of time and emotional energy then we have less of ourselves to give to our children. This is true of high power executives who burn the midnight oil or bring their worries home with them, it is also a reality for single parents who work two or three jobs just to pay the bills and keep food on the table. We all have to prioritize and give the best of ourselves to our children. Good luck to you Iam Robert.

  4. This is reminiscent of the days the PTA used to ask us, middle schoolers, for contributions. My mom was wise enough not to give me any money for that, telling me that it goes into their pockets, not into the needy pupils'.

    I used to think mom was mad for letting us come across as stingy people, but realized she was right. We found out, later, that the PTA guy had bought himself a nice car.

    Happy Mother's Day, Doctor, and congratulations on such a rich website! :)

  5. Oh thank you! I hope you'll pass on this blog to your friends...

  6. i know how u feel!

    if things going like that i prefer handmade cards or scrap book!

  7. Hoo-ray. That sounds exactly right. My daughter came home with a home made cookie, home made card and she made me breakfast in bed... isn't that what mother's day is about? what did you get in the end?

  8. No really, I got the potted plant that I paid for...

  9. Sorry, I totally missed the image the first time around.

  10. Oh, no problem! I hope your mother's day was all that you hoped it would be...
